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David Ulan, C.Ped.
The Cobbler & Cordwainer
73 Crescent Avenue
New Rochelle, NY 10801
914-632-8312 ~ fax 914-632-8419


What is a Certified Pedorthist?

Pedorthics (ped-or'-thiks) -the design, manufacture, modification and fit of footwear, orthotics and devices to alleviate foot problems caused by disease, overuse, or injury.

The Certified Pedorthist (C.Ped.) has fulfilled and maintains specific educational requirements to be certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics (ABCOP).

The board-certified pedorthist works together with the doctor and patient to achieve the best results.

David Ulan, owner and operator of The Cobbler & Cordwainer, earned his certificate in Pedorthics in 1997. He is available by appointment in New Rochelle at:

If you are interested in ordering shoes or Pedorthic services email me to discuss details and schedules.

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email david @ cobcord.com